The Partners

Honoring the ecosystem

The Legacy | Bucharest is envisioned as a space where the different movements, networks, communities and subcultures active in civil society, ethical entrepreneurship and ethical innovation can come together exchange best practices, support each other, collaborate and catalysed into an overarching identity, converting dis-satisfaction with existing circumstances into creative ethical action.
And it is this same milieu of diverse and dedicated individuals and initiatives that lead to the emergence of The Legacy | Bucharest.

 This project is the result of around one decade of work and dedication to create change by many individuals and organisations culminating with this first House. As the saying goes “it takes a village to raise a child” in our case it took an entire ecosystem to create this first manifestation of The Legacy | Life in Bucharest.
Many have contributed: the Transition Towns Movement and its established structure in Romania, the Asociatia Romania in Tranzitie, ICPR and the Permaculture Movement with the special care and energy given by Ionut Badica, as well as the myriad of projects and community leaders like Adina Moise from Seminte Libere to Claudian Dobos a cofounder and mentor to many. The network is trans-local and it is enlivened by the inspiration and knowledge brought from the European and Global initiatives like The Global Ecovillage Network and international Transition and Permaculture Networks, top developers and trainers of cutting edge tools and systems like John Croft who delivered Dragon Dreaming trainings in Romania, Sociocracy 3.0 and James Priest, The SEOC Erasmus plus Project bringing Sociocracy 3.0 to the ecosystem and its initiator Andrei Iuroaia, the SIRCLE project and the Evoneers Journey, The Work that Reconnects by Joanna Macy, Deep Democracy created by Arnold and Amy Mindell, Zero Waste Romania, Terra Livre, Aurora Community, Casa de Cultura Permanentă from Cluj Napoca, Grădina din Curtea Școlii from Scoala Ferdinand in Bucharest, Gradini Urbane Comunitare, Possibility Management Romania and the Possibility Management Trainer Guild and its originator Clinton Calahan, Playfight Romania supported by its creator and a long time friend of this ecosystem Matteo Tangi, to companies who value social change like Kaufland who supported the creation of community permaculture gardens and has been a steady supporter of ICPR. International support also came in the willingness to establishing The Legacy | Life concept, it´s manifestation internationally and bridge it with like minded initiatives abroad like The Embassy Lisbon. Particular appretiation to Maria Daniel Brás and Paulo de Carvalho.

As caretakers of the Bucharest House of The Legacy | Life we honour and celebrate those who dedicated time, energy and care to create change: those who we know that shaped who we are and what we are able to do and all those who made all of this possible that we may not even know about.
May the work that we carry out here be in the benefit of all beings and a better future inherited by the next generations:
a legacy worth passing on.

Implemented by 

The Permaculture Research Institute of Romania – ICPR


The Permaculture Research Institute of Romania is a network of people, professionals and entrepreneurs from diverse professional backgrounds (permaculture, engineering, anthropology, horticulture, psychology, economics, environment etc.), developing projects in the field of socio ecological ethical enterprise, actively dedicated to supporting the practice of permaculture in Romania in a multidisciplinary approach spanning research, organizational capacity-building, human resource development, training & education, design consulting, implementation & coordination, regenerative action & productive urban and rural landscaping, community building, ethical Entrepreneurship.

Erste Foundation

Sponsor Partner

ERSTE Foundation is a creative workshop for ideas and innovation, a lab for topics of the future which increases its effectiveness through the strategic cooperation with networks.

ERSTE Stiftung – Voices and Ideas of Civil Society