Outdoor Space

A quiet space where you will enjoy working with the birds sounds, a outdoor events or brainstorming creative ideas.

Discover the Space

Summer Garden, Eadible Garden and Open Outdoor Space

Connecting with the outdoor space, and the natural environment, has always important. 

Connecting with Life and Natural elements

Summer Garden

What best space to be outside, in the midle of the city, and still surounded by lush green natural shade and bird sounds?
With the perfect set-up to work or to have a pizza session in the wood oven.

Eadible Garden

There is a dimension that, at the House we find it important to cultivate, the relationship with the food and with the hands-on-earth. The connection with the natural elements and the care of the plants in their environment. 

Open Outdoor Space

Sometimes, events like movie screening, conferences or just Open Days, needs a bigger space. You may find Alina, and her VegSquare start-up, one of the first residents,  in the space.


The Outdoor Space

is exclusive to the House residents 

Access to Vegan Food Truck

Access to Scanner and Printer

Pizza Oven




Electrical Plugs

Access to toilet

Access to Refreshments and Caffee

Bicyle Parking

Special Events

Smooth working space

Night Light System

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