A House becomes a Home when people choose to live into it.

Anca Danila

Purpous BUC, Virtutea and more

Bogdan Racasan


Cynthia Canela

Ecstatic Dance Bucharest, Yummasala

Ionut Badica

ICPR, Sol & Suflet, Gradinescu and more

Alina Galea

VegSquare Burger


The Legacy | Bucharest

Diana Luppa

Purpous BUC, The Legacy | Bucharest and more


The Agent of Change

Alexandru Tudose

ICPR, Sol & Suflet, Gradinescu

Claudian Dobos

The Legacy, Purpous Network and more

Filipa Simoes

Made with Ethics, Terra Livre

And also you?

Amazing Project

The projects or organisations that you may get in touch at The Legacy | Bucharest

Do you know one that would fit well here?

Made with Ethics

Care for People, Animals, Nature
Brands and business Made With Ethics means a brighter future for our beautiful planet.

Together, we’re part of something larger and extraordinary, and our goal is to protect all lifeforms on our planet. With our combined efforts, we assure the brands using the tag Made With Ethics, respect the people with fairly remunerations and dignified working conditions; do not take part in animal abuse by adopting plant based options; protect the environment by choosing zero waste, local, diversity, biodegradable, and no chemicals.
Choose Ethics. Choose Purpose. Choose Life.


We cultivate local solutions to global problems in urban and community gardens.

Grădinescu is a model of urban regeneration that exemplifies how systems of permaculture, education, circular economy, energy and food can be creatively combined in a network of urban gardens, which will bring extra energy and vitality to the lives of citizens.

The Grădinescu project is organized by the Romanian Permaculture Research Institute together with Kaufland Romania and consists of a network of 10 urban gardens, of which 3 located on the roofs of Kaufland stores, 4 in parking lots or behind shops and 2 in schools in the Capital, and the most recently implemented, in the Fortress of Alba Iulia Municipality.
The gardens are designed to be taken care of by the inhabitants - through participation and by the Grădinescu team - through expertise, facilitation and research.

V Square

V Square is the first food truck with fast food exclusively vegetarian and vegan.

V Square is the first food truck with fast food exclusively vegetarian and vegan. This concept is relatively new in Romania, originating in the United States of America, from the need to offer followers a diet without meat products a healthy, tasty and easy to buy Fast-Food alternative.

2020, V Square launches this concept in Romania, under the influence and motivation of devastating climate change in the world, but also in the desire to make consumers responsible for respecting animal rights.

It all started in 2016, when Alina Gâlea, the brand's founder, decided to follow a meatless diet, for an amalgam of personal reasons, including the poor quality of meat on the market and the effect of farms on the environment. 2 years after this change, Alina began to feel the lust for the so familiar taste of juicy and tasty burger that envelops you from the first bite. The burger was one of the few dishes he hadn't found at least a taste-like alternative. That's how the SquareOne burger was born.
Although the idea of "fast-food" is often associated with lower quality, V Square has chosen a different approach. We believe that the best quality ingredients, processing, as much as possible "at home" and natural spices, are what give the food its true taste. We believe that the speed with which food is prepared and the lack of meat add value to the taste and in no case should it spoil it.

How more and more fast-food chains in the world, even the most famous ones, such as Burger King, Mc Donalds, KFC or Taco Bell, are creating vegan or vegetarian alternatives for their most well-known and loved products, I quickly understood that there is an unsatisfied and growing need for such food.
Our dream is to become unquestionably the most famous vegan and vegetarian food brand in Romania. We hope to attract more and more fans of food with taste and at the same time aware of the importance of food for your own body, but also for the environment.
In our first year of operation we want to participate in as many fairs and festivals in the country, where we can surprise as many people as possible with what the value of true taste means. We also want to satisfy the taste buds of those who already follow a diet based only on vegetables, but we aim to surprise all lovers of unique culinary experiences with a tasty, conscious and sustainable alternative.

I'm Climatic!

Project Implemented by ART

Funded by EC DEAR, and leaded by OXFAM Novib NL, the 4 years project will act on awareness raising, action and advocacy on the climate change and climate action topics.


Healthy, delicious, all-natural flavor booster packs to support your transition to a healing diet. Adds great taste and nutritional value to every meal.

In the summer of 2018, I discovered a great way to eat simple, healthy and delicious while travelling, sharing the bounty with those around me in the same time.
Yummasala packs are the result of over 7 years of experiments with eating raw vegan and mucusless - a concentrated tasty mix made to help those with little time or resources to prepare foods to transition towards a natural, healing diet.

Purpous Bucharest

Purpous is an ecosystem of co-creation and innovation informed by the regenerative cultural design

At Purpous, we believe that the path for the brands of the future goes through the understanding that there is no longer a definition of individual success that is not also collective success.

The world faces multiple crises and we urgently need to become aware of our interdependence and co-create new ways of being in the world together. We believe that brands have a fundamental role in this evolution.
Leaders not only need to build brands that delight consumers, they also have to deal with the main challenges of our time.



An Open-Source participatory research project oriented towards action and social change.
Earth Care Tools is an extension of Soil and Soul, the first Permanent Center for Innovation, Production and Education in Regenerative Agriculture in Romania.

We want to create a community of designers, farmers and mechanical locksmiths to design and execute, test and develop tools and equipment specific to small-scale regenerative agriculture.

The tools and equipment will be built in the mechanical workshop arranged on the Ground and Soul and are available by pre-order, and the tool plans can be accessed free of charge, in Open Source system.

Ecstatic Dance Bucharest

Ecstatic Dance encourages free expression and creates an environment of acceptance in which you will find the courage to dance without inhibitions.

Ecstatic Dance Bucharest is an initiative started in 2015 by Cynthia Canela as a weekly practice of conscious dance, with a bimonthly frequency in the second year and a monthly one at present. The idea came after two revealing experiences at Ecstatic Dance Nevada City in California in the fall of 2014, which nurtured his desire to have a free and clean dance floor for all those who love to dance but find it hard to people where they can do it to their heart's content.
The event brought together, from the beginning, dozens of DJs, musicians and instructors of various forms of movement from Bucharest and other countries, who facilitated over 40 editions of Ecstatic Dance, for almost two thousand participants.
The free dance floor gave birth to a vibrant community of lovers of movement and connection from the heart and a passionate team, determined to bring Ecstatic Dance Bucharest meetings to the next level.
The dance floor opens on Sunday at noon, once a month, receives specialized DJs from traditional communities and ceremonies with Cacao, is an open space for families, has a lounge space for massage, a parallel workshop for children and finally, a dedicated community connection time.
Our intention is to create a meeting and celebration place for all those who value movement, music and connection as forms of growth and expansion of transformative energy, personal evolution and community formation.

Sol si Suflet

Permanent Center for Innovation, Production and Education in Regenerative Agriculture.

Regenerative Farm / Research and Development / Education and Training
Located in Vlădeni, Dâmbovița County, Sol şi Suflet farm researches and develops for the first time in Romania the regenerative production model and offers a space for education and professional training for young Romanian farmers at the beginning of the road, through the Incubator paid internship program.
We implement an ethical system of food production and distribution, which has a visible positive impact on the environment, the economy and local communities and supports a vibrant culture and a responsible society.
Starting this spring, we will deliver weekly baskets with our products: vegetables, greens, herbs and herbs grown in a regenerative system.

Casa Semintelor

Local, traditional, rare Seed Bank.

Local, traditional, rare Seed Bank. Be the savior of a variety you love! We collect seeds with tradition in Romania and we multiply them responsibly together with the members of the bank.

Institutul de Cercetare în Permacultura din România

The Permaculture Research Institute of Romania is a network of professionals and entrepreneurs from various professional fields who develop and support ethical eco-social projects in Romania.

ICPR supports the practice of permaculture from a multidisciplinary perspective through research, consulting, mentoring, education and implementation of regenerative projects with a positive impact on the environment and the community.
The mission of the institute is to support the practice of permaculture in Romania. It does so through consulting and services but especially through education, courses and experiential learning directly on the farm, community garden or on the construction site. Choose according to your needs. If you want to know more and you do not know which course suits you you can contact, we are pleased to bring clarity.

Terra Livre

Designing models for conservation and regeneration of natural landscapes across generations.

Stand for nature and protect
one of the bases of life on the planet:
the forest.
Forests give us so much. They regulate climate, air temperature and humidity, retain and purify water, produce oxygen, store carbon, give us food, shelter, medicine, beauty, shade, and harbor innumerable species. So why are they disappearing? The beauty of the forest belongs to all and we believe it’s time to write a new story. The story of caring for the Earth.

Everyone knows the reality of the Amazon, but the same is happening in Europe, and it’s not known.

Planting trees is good, but as long as we continue to destroy the forest, it will only be a small part of the work that needs to be done.

Asociatia România în Tranzitie

Transition Towns Romania, part of the Transition Towns movement.

ART is the legal manifestation Transition Towns Romania, part of the Transition Towns movement is a grassroots social movement that wants to facilitate the transition of local communities and individuals to a more sustainable and integrated life in nature.

Playfight Romania

Playfight is deep connection, with myself and others.

Playfight is deep connection, with myself and others

We connect with our primal side, the strength in our bodies and the wisdom in our emotions.

We take care of ourselves, and our limits, expanding them with kindness and fun.

We connect with others, learning to be authentic in relationship with them.

Playfight combines primal fighting, play and mindfulness

Primal fighting to awake the body's intelligence, using strength in a safe and respectful way.

Play to rediscover ourselves anew. To be less serious and more playful, joyful and alive!

Mindfulness to observe what happens on a deeper level, and to be more authentic.

Playfight is a personal journey and a tribal experience

We gather in Circle, and Playfight in the middle. We bond, we relate and we support each other.

We fight but there are no winners or losers. We use strength but we don't hurt each other.

We train as heartful warriors and warrioresses to stop violence and develop inner peace.